In the mid-1500s, Nicolaus Copernicus theorized the Earth, along with the other planets, rotated around the sun . This Heliocentric theory took about 100 years to become widely accepted. Up until that point, the G eocentric theory first proposed by Ptolemy in the mid 100s A.D was what was widely accepted. In this theory, the planets and the sun rotated around Earth. It took a long time for people to understand and accept this change. It wasn't a smooth process either; people were persecuted for their heliocentric position. Why am I referencing something from over 500 years ago you ask? Two reasons: 1) It has become somewhat commonplace to question and distrust the validity of science in favor of unscientific, and oftentimes divisive rhetoric. It appears more widely accepted to believe a talking-head's opinion rather than the methodical,...
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