During a time of crisis, any crisis, but specifically one of such magnitude as the coronavirus, people need simple straightforward facts from experts, or those who understand the information presented by the experts. And we need them to tell us when they legitmately don't know the answer to the question but assure the public they will get an answer as soon as possible. We can accept those parameters. The general public is already experiencing unmatched fears and anxiety, with a lot of unknowns. While we need hope and optimism to get us through these challenging times, we do not need false hope, inaccurate information, or one's "feeling" about what certain outcomes will be, especially when they have no expertise or evidence to support it. When someone does give misinformation it is their responsibility to own it and correct it. Mistakes happen, but willful ignorance, selfishness, and ineptitude are inexcusable and indefensible. This is not about an individu...
Positive and inspiring psycho-logical health information delivered with a direct, down-to-earth and witty approach